Keep Your Home Bed Bug-Free By Using These Hacks

The presence of bed bugs could really be annoying as well as irritating for the homeowners who do not have proper as well as correct knowledge about controlling bed bugs in their household. They could be responsible for the damages Caused to your mattress or to the fabric of your couch. They could even be responsible for the bites and scratches which are left on your skin after a night when you spend time with bed bugs.

So, they could even be the reason for your sleepless night. While you sleep and may suck your blood and even Transmit diseases as well as Germs in your body. These are really small in size and very hard to find. But if you found a bed bug then there are highly chances that many more are present but just hiding from your eyes. You need to perform a pest inspection after you find any sign of their presence.

In this article we have mentioned several pest management tips and hacks. You can follow them to get a bed bug free home. If you want to make your home hygienic again, then you need to perform these listed tips. They can help you to get effective and quick results after many sleepless nights. Follow them correctly and according to the requirement to get the most effective results for your needs.

Use Of Bed Bug Spray

If you want to make your house bed bug free and hygienic again then you must buy this product. You can purchase any good quality bed bug spray from your local market. They are available in a huge variety of essence you can buy according to your preference. Spray the product on the places where you see their presence and the places where they are laying Their eggs. Clean your couch or mattress after Spraying to remove the bed bugs completely. Due to the chemicals in the spring, they will die within some hours or in a day or 2.

Keep Your Home Clean

Just like any other pest, bed bugs also Invade to the places which are dirty as well as unhygienic. You need to perform regular cleaning of your house as well as of the mattress. You must make sure that your house is not unhygienic and that it is not dirty. Because pests may attract the factors which attract them. Make sure that  your home has not become a best suitable shelter for these types of pests. By cleaning you can even identify any possible sign about the presence.


In this article we have mentioned about the best and the most effective tip which you can follow in your daily routine to get rid of the pest. You can perform bed bug control by yourself if you maintain a proper cleaning as well as hygienic environment in the first place. You can even hire professional pest control services for bed bug control, they can provide effective as well as quick results with their experience and Their quality of work in this field.

Dangers Ants Pose To Your Home And Health

In every home, you can find ants. They are small in size but can cause severe problems. One should take strict and immediate action to remove ants. Because once ants enter any home, then it becomes very difficult to remove them. So, you should hire ant control experts. For excellent ant control service, call Pest Control Subiaco.

Ants live inside places where they are not easily visible. They enter our home, in search of food and shelter. So, if you keep food packages open, then they gather around it. Therefore, for keeping ants away, you should keep your home and kitchen neat and clean. Ants should not be allowed to live in any home, for living a safe and healthy life. A house that has ants has to suffer various infections and allergies. Thus, ant control is very necessary.

Dangers Ants Pose To Your Home And Health

Ants cause a lot of problems in any house. They cause a lot of damage to property and health. Here, we have listed some of the dangers caused to your home and health because of ants.

  1. Furniture damage

Ants mostly live inside cracks and holes of walls and furniture. Carpenter ants survive by eating wood. Thus, carpenter ants damage wooden objects. Such ants eat wood and make furniture weak and hollow. Therefore, causing massive property damage.

 2. Contamination of food

Ants have a great sense of smell. Thus, they get attracted to open food packages easily. So, ants are found loitering around food. Ants have a lot of germs under their feet. Therefore, the ants crawling around food harms the food materials. The consumption of such food is not good for health.

3. Skin rashes and redness

Ants bite humans. Their sting can cause skin problems. The skin turns red because of their bite. Some types of ants are very dangerous to humans. It causes severe health issues. Therefore, ants might look small in size but possess severe threats.

4. Health problems

Ants are a carrier of harmful germs and bacteria. So, when they come in contact with your body, then one can fall sick. Your body system gets affected because of unwanted microorganisms. Thus, the chances of falling sick because of ants invasion are high.

5. Formation of ant mounds

An ant colony makes a mound of soil. The castle looking structure spoils the beauty of a house. These structures should be demolished quickly because it causes stains and marks on walls. Thus, the formation of moulds hampers the attractiveness of a house.

6. Invitation for other pests

Ants are a food source for some insects. Therefore, pests enter a house to eat ants. Pests such as spiders eat ants. So, along with ants, you have to face many harmful living beings. Thus, along with ants, more insects enter your home.

Call Our Professionals To Get Rid Of Ants

If there is ant infestation in your home, then call on our helpline number: 08 7079 4617. Our pest control experts are trained and licensed for performing safe pest control service for ants. The equipment and safe pesticides are used to remove ants from every corner of the house. So, if you want to book our service, we are just a call away.